"Nieznany Świat" vol. 2/2002

Hanna Kotwicka: Destiny in the context of the Tzolkin – The Maya Calendar – the cosmogram of evolutionary programs

The calendaric system used by the Maya intrigued the scholars of pre-Columbian culture for over 100 years. The new evidence of the amazingly profound knowledge of the Maya being discovered, specifically relating to their understanding of the phenomena and the intricate relationships of the cosmos, still fails to explain the reason for the Maya using two different calendars: the 365 day long HAAB and the 260 day TZOLKIN. While the links between the astrophysical phenomena with the 365 day system are easily interpreted, the findings in no way explain the complexities of the Tzolkin, and specifically the calendar’s references to ancient human history as well as to humanity’s FUTURE.

The search for answers took a new turn thanks to the American art historian dr. Jose Arguelles, who in the late 1980s was the first to see the Tzolkin as a program, imprinted on the flow of time. This helped him find the key to decoding the KNOWLEDGE contained in the calendar. Interestingly, the information conveyed by the Maya Calendar is addressed to the people living in the 20th and the 21st century.

It took Arguelles thirty three years to study and explore the Tzolkin. The identification of systematic mathematical patterns, the definition of their inner meaning, and the synchronization of the Tzolkin with our Gregorian calendar were the milestones of his work. He based his work on the ancient, Celtic system of the measure of time (13 months, each month consisting of 28 days). The first edition of the Thirteen Moons Calendar known in the scientific circles as the Dreamspell was published in 1993.

All that has been discovered by Arguelles to-date and that will continue to be discovered in the future, constitutes an invaluable gift for all humanity. The understanding of the inner patterns of the Maya Calendar is of the greatest relevance; though this fact seems to be underestimated by some. Without the key to the TZOLKIN module, access to the inner structures of the fourth dimension of TIME would have been impossible. The Sacred Calendar with its 260 codes, gives us a glimpse into the cyclic nature of the flow of events and reveals before us the ingenious, inner patterns across the different planes of being. By discovering the key to the Sacred Maya Calendar, Arguelles had opened up the cosmic gates of TIME. As the author and the co-author of many scientific dissertations, he initiated the process of opening up of a new kind of a consciousness amongst the peoples of this world. While the mathematic structure of the TZOLKIN is simple, it proves undesirable and inexpedient to our analytical, decadent frame of mind. The fact that the TZOLKIN contains numeric modules based on the numbers "13" and "20" proves hard to accept for the reasonable mind, among other things because it is foreign to our culture. The modulation of those two numerics produces modules that hold valuable information; if the secrets imprinted in the modules are to be understood, this information needs to be studied gradually. The most significant message is that which says that without the acceptance of spiritual growth there can be no progress. The one prerequisite for broadening the collective consciousness is to awaken the abilities of a spiritual and intellectual perception, which is governed by no external rules, and which proceeds according to inner patterns which in turn are the patterns which steer the process of evolution.
The TZOLKIN encompasses absolutely everything: mathematics, astronomy, numerology, astrology, galactic runs, the short and the long count of time, evolutionary cycles, the human body, astrogenetics, I-Ching, prophecies...It’s a sort of a calendaric lexicon.

In the Maya culture and religion, astrology played a special role. The Birth of the Planet Venus was the exit point to everything. Many Mayan structures were used as observatories to track the rises and the settings of planets, used in turn for astrologic purposes. Cosmic phenomena, the courses that planets run, the spots on the Sun and their effect on the human psyche, the fertility of the human species were of special interest to the Maya. They worshipped the Sun as their highest god, and that is why in the Maya astrology the impact of the Sun and the cyclic nature of the phenomena in the Solar System were essential in importance. The star alignments in the Zodiac were only the backdrop, a sort of a cosmic clockwork. The wisdom of the Maya doesn’t contradict contemporary astrology; it compliments it or I’d even say it is superior to it, as it studies the world from a four-dimensional perspective. Up there they still have the fifth planet – Maldek – and that is why they’ve factored in Maldek’s power in their calendar. And it’s a force to be reckoned with – it is the source of law-abidingness, mercy, the will of life and the mighty serpent instinct. In the Maya religion and culture, the serpent was considered to have been of tremendous importance – it symbolized Quetzalcoatl. In the medieval times Maldek was regrettably forgotten. We all know what the spirit of those times was like historically and why the force of the fifth planet of the Solar System was considered to have been undesirable. Today, many astrologists consider Maldek to be a meaningless asteroid belt.

Contemporary astrology has its roots in the Mesopotamia (Sumer, Assyria, Babylon). That is where the twelve month calendar had been born, as well as the signs of the Zodiac, the notions of sin and punishment, the negative energy of money...The Babylonian spirit, through the clergy, had made its way into astrology, and became an excellent tool to manipulate people and to instill the vibration of fear in them.

The Maya calendar, by opening the gates to the fourth dimension, reveals numerous celestial mysteries. The idea is to uncover and scrutinize falseness, to stop instilling subconscious fears, to bring back to the people the freedom and the right to make sovereign decisions that were once stolen from them under false pretenses.

Versatility is a unique aspect of the Maya Calendar. The TZOLKIN can be used as a "great calendar" which codes the large cycles of evolution like the 26 000 year cycle, or the "small calendar" which codes the 260 days of the year, with the two calendars closely intertwining together, since the 260 day count and the 26 000 year counts are carried forth by the same energy wave. According to the Mayan prophecies, we now find ourselves at the end of the Great Galactic Cycle, during which tremendous changes took place inside ourselves and on the whole planet. Powerful Galactic Energies act on our horizons of perception now, supporting and aiding all change and transformation. All the things we’ve narrowly deemed as "infallible" will be transformed into a new pattern with their help.

It has to be stressed here, that THE END OF THE WORLD ISN’T COMING ! It’s just now, that a cycle of TIME reaches its completion as it’s fulfilled its role in linear time. We will become witnesses of the transformation of matter in the sub-cycle of the Great Year. Many cultures, like the Tibetan, the Dogone and the Hopi culture had foretold a similar date of the great MIRACLE on Earth. The Maya Cosmology says that homo sapiens have gone through three 26 000 year cycles and the current, fourth one will come to an end on the 21st of December 2012. The Maya prophecies clearly state that "one world" endures for 26 000 years, just like the Platonian year.
Our current world is the "Fourth Dimension". This is where humanity’s greatest "fall" took place. We will not go into the cosmic root causes of the state of things today which date back some 6600 years. For the next 1500 years the human consciousness submerged into a great darkness. Some 5100 years ago (more specifically in the year 3113 B.C.) a savior impulse appeared on Earth, which the Maya referred to as the Galactic Ray, whose job it was to introduce corrective action into the frequencies of matter which were getting lower and lower. This process is now coming to an end. The period of 26 years, from 1987 to 2012 will be the hottest time in the history of our civilization. The magic significance of the three middle years of that cycle (1999/2000, 2000/2001 and 2001/2002) means that every human being will get a chance to prepare for the grand finale, yet in light of the unbreakable nature of the principle of free will, no one will be forced into it.

A great breakthrough in all the areas of life will take place in our lifetime; strong resistance and opposition, above all from the representatives of the world of power, cannot be completely ruled out. The ray of renewal will permeate all the deposits which have accumulated in the human causal body. Subsequently, there will be powerful turmoil and disarray felt in the personal areas of one’s life, which will all lead to awakening. It will become almost impossible in the upcoming years for anyone to win the favor of others or to dominate the WHOLE through trickery. The ideological terror of religion and politics will disappear. We have to realize, that we’re in the middle of a great reorganization process, which will help us shift onto a higher level of consciousness. All that limits us, that bothers us, that defines and pigeon-holes us will be solved in the upcoming years. If we do want to attune ourselves to our centeredness, if we do simply become PRESENT HERE AND NOW, without value-judging people and phenomena, we will find the access to our inner wisdom. Please know that we are entering the last decades of the 26 000 year cycle and that the reality as we know and see it has to change, to make place for the MIRACLE of our planet Earth ascending into the FIFTH DIMENSION.

The Gates to the "Fifth World" will open up only before those who have managed to adjust their consciousness and removed the damage that has been done. The "Fifth World" offers us life in a new kind of a consciousness – in a world where the Ego will be kept under complete control, and where it will show respect for all the forms of life on Earth. This is how the quantum leap into awakening is expressed, The human consciousness must leave the old world and allow the ray of renewal to begin its work. This particular predicament is causing a lot of tension today. NOW, there are two mighty streams of consciousness that are blending – the OLD and the NEW. Many of us are beginning to loose the ground under our feet; yet things cannot proceed any differently. Only in this way can the collective consciousness be healed.

Ever since we’ve obtained the key to the TZOLKIN, we’ve been able to know what sorts of energy streams are flowing on a particular day. The essence of this knowledge reaches much deeper underneath the surface. By revealing the synchronization module, the wisdom sourced from the TZOLKIN gives us a great insight into the cyclic flow of TIME. By looking at the calendar we instantly know what behavioral patterns a given individual’s life is about or what patterns are affecting the current day of the week. By being able to proactively work with the cycles of the evolution program, we can avoid many setbacks and failures in life. All those who have deliberately began to live by the Maya Calendar have very gently entered the four-dimensional rhythm of the planet; because they had rid themselves of fear, and they have been able to single-handedly shape the flow of their destiny. The simplest way of connecting with the "play of life" is to compare your own experiences and sensations with the quality of the Energy that’s flowing on a given day. There’s a different kind of Energy affecting us on each and every passing day; it greatly impacts the body and the psyche, and is very quickly able to transform a good day into a day filled by physical pain or spiritual suffering. An individual’s overall condition depends on how well he or she is attuned to the Energy of the day. Even though we humans perceive only our three-dimensional, terrestrial existence, we are all woven into the ENERGY of birth which is the actual indicator of our destiny.

BIRTH is a time when the newly born human being is tied to the quality of the specific type of an Energy that is dominating on the day of birth. Throughout life we will be the carriers of that particular aspect of Energy. There’s a question that we are all wanting to ask: "Was it just by accident that I have been assigned this particular Energy Kin, or have I myself chosen the time to be born ?". YES, we’ve chosen the time to be born ! And why ? That was just a karmic necessity. This principle applies especially to those of us belonging to the "junior" group, who have volunteered themselves to work with a specific kind of an Energy, or who have taken it upon themselves to heal certain aspects in a given Energy field. Right at this point, there’s something important we must understand: on the day of birth we are assigned to a very specific, concrete school, and we will remain its students for the rest of our lives. While on Earth we become the physical polarity of a given Energy aspect, our twin polarity – our spiritual essence – is operating in the fourth dimension. Our life is reminiscent of a kaleidoscope – mirror reflections generate images that are organized in a parallel manner.

On the day of birth, the dominant energy is "pumped" into the human’s Light Body; the Light Body is indestructible and as such protects our light "matrix" or our copy. The Light Body, also called the spiritual or the solar body, is the human’s Higher Mental Body. It exists in the fifth dimension, also called the Christ Consciousness. Meanwhile, the Lower Mental Body operates in the fourth dimension, or in the realm of energies, spiritual programs, the worlds of illusions and astral thought-forms.

To the newly born human, its Light Body is the most valuable piece of equipment it has to take with it on its journey, though in the first years of life, it tends to lag behind and has little effect on the human in its formative years. As years go by, the Ego takes on the dominant role in the human’s life, while the incarnation’s spiritual aspect falls into oblivion. A newborn’s Light Body takes a back seat in the fourth year of life, leaving the child’s Ego-consciousness plenty of free space to "roam". In the childhood and adolescent years, depending on the pattern assumed at birth, the development process accumulates the necessary "tools" to be used while realizing the mission adopted by the soul. The child’s stage of life is to help its "young, inexperienced Ego" shape the Lower Self, which is the base prerequisite for integrating the spiritual aspects in the future.

The first 20 years of life are dedicated to the readying of the complete scene of the incarnation. Social influence is of crucial essence here (i.e. the influence of the child’s parents, carers, next of kin), as is the first encounter with the karmically conditioned social environment.

Between the ages of twenty and forty, the pressure from the Light Body, which was pushed aside only temporarily, is beginning to increase. From the age of thirty, the stage is set for the Light Body’s return. Consequently, increasing tension forms between the priorities of the Ego and the spiritual motives. Ideally, the Higher Mental Body should erase the old Ego-programs, however, that will not be the case most of the times. The old, egocentric consciousness won’t want to make space for the new, and will reject the Light Body’s pressure. It is in this way, that the human stubbornness will end up programming and instilling all the known forms of failure and setbacks which in the end lead us into crises. If the learning process isn’t prematurely interrupted, the human being will at the end find an ultimate "way out" of the impasse. All he or she has to do is open his eyes wide !

As the variation of the Energy field stems from the common interplay of the individual Ego-consciousness and the neutral light fields, high-quality Light Energy or a low-frequency Energy of the Shadow ends up being produced. The polarized Ego-consciousness can very quickly transform its potential treasures into the shadow patterns. The consequences of this will make themselves known in the later life. They will trigger the twists of fate we commonly call our destiny or fate. And so it is we, who shape our future. The potential of the birth pattern, which accompanies the human being throughout its terrestrial existence, exerts a powerful impact on the human’s personality. Yet the pattern isn’t static, and the human’s personality will undergo a constant transformation. The "mixture" of the shadow patterns and the light treasures gives rise to the individual Energy field we call the causal body. The image of a human’s personality imprinted in the causal body is only a temporary projection, a temporary blend of LIGHT and SHADOW, displaying the current condition of the human soul. We therefore talk about the co-called birth aspect (it’s the gifts we get upon our arrival) and the life aspect (the conscious choice).

Understanding those two aspects will aid the establishment of our current position – it will help us establish how far we are in getting ourselves immersed in the shadow patterns or the extent to which we are mirroring the light patterns.

Working with the Maya Calendar, we will unearth numerous possibilities of working with the Energies of the birth pattern. As TIME is imprinting information from the outside with the help of events, understanding the force of the Energy of birth in light of the passage of time is incredibly important for our future growth. The KIN of birth is placed in the calendar once every 260 days. On those days, it’s really important that we pay special attention to our emotional state, to the way people react, and to the apparent coincidences. Let’s remember, that errors and mistakes are a part of our destiny. Without them, there’d be no learning in the terrestrial school of life. In this way we’ll be able to judge our progress and estimate how much still needs to be done.

Though we’re all assigned to one of the 260 patterns of destiny, our lives proceed in a completely different manner because of the impact of the immediate surroundings and the conditions we grow up in. People with the same Kin of birth have an identical curricula to work through, however they will go about studying it in different circumstances, and on different levels of consciousness. Since we now find ourselves at a breakthrough stage of our evolution, it’s absolutely critical that we know what personal programs we’re realizing at this time. No one should feel unsure or threatened in their spiritual growth, as all that is happening around him and on this planet has been called into Being by one and the same module of the TIME program. Every reality has been carefully weighed and is absolutely correct. Nothing happens without a reason in the Great Cosmic Order !

There are a number of other co-players in this complex, who just like us are following the same principles, yet none of them can actually proceed our way. One of those is our analogous partner – a sort of a soul mate. We also have what’s called an antipodal partner, who makes himself known at times of great tension – these encounters cannot be considered pleasant. We also have an occult partner, who’s helping us put a nozzle on our Ego, teaching us to work in a team without loosing our personality. Striking a balance in interpersonal relationships is incredibly important because during centuries, we’ve cut ourselves away from the collective consciousness, restricting ourselves to our own individualities. We must understand, that it’s not "bad" people who are the cause of personal problems, but rather our own attitude and the subconscious fear which is the result of that attitude. The things we strongly believe in, but which don’t exist, will sooner or later cease to function. Failure ensues and we begin to look for someone to blame. We find the guilty party on the outside, feel satisfaction with the fact, and things seemingly go back to normal. Yet disaster is just around the corner, and when it happens, we begin to look for someone to blame. And so we will keep going around in circles, always coming back to the place where it all started, until we finally comprehend that there’s no one to blame but ourselves. It’s just us, our fear and our faith. Fear is the outcome, and our misconceptions are the cause.

We all know, often from painful experiences, that the hardest thing to do is to help ourselves. Everything is information – this principle is the key to finding the cause of repetitive problems. Many spiritually developed individuals have become attached to their karmic reflections. Karmic laws are often blown out of proportion, which leads to the erroneous interpretation of the information brought forth by the Energies of the days. In individual instances, the law of karmic cause and effect may continue to play an important role, however in those who proceed through life with a sense of unconditional love, these ties grow less relevant in importance. Nonetheless, in some cases it may happen that unpleasant experiences will accompany us for years without us being able to establish a genuine cause for such a state of things. Remain patient. Know, that in addition to the karmic law of cause and effect, there are other aspects which also need to be taken into account. One of those may be DHARMA, or the specific impulses that flow from the past, another might be the natural braking system sent by our spiritual SELF, ensuring we don’t cross a certain threshold, beyond which, at our current state of spiritual growth, we wouldn’t be able to withstand the vibrations.

The awareness of the personal rhythm of TIME lets us better understand our life’s processes. We will get a broader insight into all the situations that come our way and will be able to predict their outcome. Let’s remember that the Maya oracle is the oracle of SELF-DETERMINATION ! Each and everyone of us is the oracle of every day of the year. It is US, who decide on when to join in the process, and when to withdraw. This is the so-called "self-destination" as whether we allow the progressive streams of evolution to sweep us away or whether we choose to stick to the old standpoints and the outdated modes of thinking is entirely up to us. Interestingly – at the age of 52 we begin again to work through our 52 year program ! In this way we get another opportunity to make up for what’s been lost in childhood or in the years of adolescence, when we were only passive players.

If we remain conscious of those processes, we will avoid making many mistakes. It is now that the showdown begins. Each of us gets the opportunity to become his or her true self ! No one will be coerced into realizing other people’s programs, whether they have their roots in religion or in the moral principles or social conditioning. The wisdom of the Calendar is to help us put an end to the search for ourselves. Only in this way will we be able to balance out the disproportions and to instill harmony in our everyday life. For thousands of years we’ve been living in a traumatized state, and have been programmed to realize someone else’s programs and visions. By assuming a false personality, we’ve completely missed our own spiritual program ! We’ve been callously exploited for a very long, long time ! We’ve often ended up hurting ourselves in the process, thinking we were doing it in good faith !

Now, having the insight into the laws of evolution, we can begin to correctly read the information – to become a conscious "time-being". In the past we erroneously interpreted almost all the experiences we’ve encountered in our personal field, or we couldn’t find an explanation for them. Seeming coincidences have always been there and have ALWAYS flowed out of the four-dimensional causality. However, since we saw everything as being three-dimensional we couldn’t see that. The world is four-dimensional.
We are all bound by the laws of four-dimensional TIME. Since we are a part of the WHOLE, our karma and our personal dissonance are encompassed by the Earth’s healing program. The moment we recognize our essence and erase our disharmonies, we will free the planet from our personal "primordial burden" ! The essence of our causal body holds the history of everything we’ve experienced during the Karmic Time.

The goal of the evolutionary program is to raise our vibration to a higher level of consciousness. Now has come the time to unconditionally rid ourselves of all the destructive traits of our Ego. The countdown has begun ! The old, outdated patterns are beginning to be increasingly quickly dissolved: the lust for power, the lust for control, greed, exploitation, lack of respect for the others, are all beginning to be washed away. There are simply no hosts for these patterns, and they must die. The purifying Energy of the Source will cover absolutely everybody – also those among us who won’t want to rid themselves of the old pragmatism. Those who hold different viewpoints, who hold on to the outdated pseudo-priorities, will be recalled. Their specific physical manifestation will simply be called off. Many of us will make the transition at the last minute and recognize that we’ve been serving false gods.
The changes that are now taking place are so great, that it’s becoming simply impossible to continue to comprehend TIME in the context of the old, linear mode of thinking. TIME has an essence and exists as a specific, concrete program of energy. Let’s begin to perceive life consciously. If we do, we’ll become independent of the foreign programs which for years have been exploiting us like slaves.
In light of the wisdom of the Maya, every human is woven into two calendars of energy at the same time: the planetary calendar which begins its course on the 26th of July and which affects all of us, and the personal calendar, which pertains to the specific person. By observing the individual 13-month rhythm which is set based on the date of one’s birth, we can facilitate our understanding of the many issues we encounter. The everyday encounter with the Energy of the day and the Energy of the current wavespell will teach us something extraordinary. What seems impossible today, tomorrow will open up before our eyes – I’m talking about TELEPATHY ! It’s not just about establishing a telepathic connection with your companion, it’s above all about establishing a telepathic link with your inner self. And this is what it’s all about – it’s about finding a way to your genuine, authentic self ! All the external relationships and connections will begin to grow less relevant. Our terrestrial paths will begin to proceed more harmoniously, we will walk them without complications. On this path we will shed the chains of fear that bind us and rid ourselves of the three-dimensional dependencies. We will see that linear time is a minimal molecule of the four-dimensional TIME. We will be able to penetrate the days which lie ahead.

The Energy of the day –identical for all of us – may put each one of us into a different mood, and that’s because we’ve all got different lessons to take in life. In wanting to draw our attention to something specific, it may permeate interpersonal relationships or the emotional body, to "imprint" specific themes into our thought field. The resonance with TIME is revealed on all planes of Being and in different areas of our corporality – on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. We’ll be surprised to find how our perception has changed after just one year of observing the events of TIME – we’ll begin to see things from a new perspective. We’ll comprehend there’s no need to search for a meaning in life, one just has to understand it. The moulds of TIME are not concrete destiny, rather they are a mental road sign leading us to the Energy of the day. They constitute a general pattern, which should be used to assess and interpret observations.

The Maya Calendar is not a horoscope ! That is why it doesn’t contain good or bad days – it doesn’t instill a subconscious fear; it doesn’t tell you to avoid problems – instead it tells you to solve them. What matters in life is various sensations which we can consciously alter by pinpointing their cause. The information conveyed in the calendar doesn’t encompass any pragmatic nor dogmatic content. What’s obvious to one, may not be as obvious to the other ! The wisdom of this book has nothing to do with the occult; it doesn’t attempt to put forth any new ideologies just as it doesn’t constitute the dogma of a new religion or a sect. The calendar contains information that is sourced from the higher realms of Being, which may help humanity in broadening its collective and individual consciousness.